February 09, 2008

Nikki Sixx: A Motley Interview, Care of Switched

Bassist and songwriter Nikki Sixx met fame in the 1980s as a member of
the rock/heavy metal band Motley Crue. Sixx cemented a reputation as a
hard-charging force on the music scene through his frequent drug
binges and over-the-top theatrical performances on stage. In 2006, he
joined the members of Motley Crue on a reunion tour, this time
gratefully sober. Now the bassist in Sixx: A.M. and one-third of the
creative force behind The Heroin Diaries Soundtrack, Nikki found time
to sat down to answer our Switched Questionnaire and tell us about the
role of gadgets in his life, including the love/hate relationship he
has with his iPhone…

What gadgets do you always bring with you to the set?

What cell phone do you have right now and what do you love/hate about it?
iPhone. I wish it had copy paste in the email apps.

Who's the last person you sent a text message to and what was it about?
My daughter — telling me I'm weird

Where do you go pretty much every time you get online?
A good reason to go to Starbucks.

What annoys you most about your iPod, cell phone, or laptop (or any
other gadget)?
I hate that I'm addicted to it, but it's hard to imagine life without it.

Name one thing you wish your iPod/cellphone/laptop could do that it
doesn't do now?
Wish my iPhone had true video messaging -instead of voice mail it
would face mail. Hello, Mr. Jobs?

What upcoming gadget can you not wait to get your hands on?
I can't wait to check into the iHotel. DJ told me it should be ready in 2011.

You're stranded on a desert island: What gadget do you bring?
Suntan oil and a blonde (or a brunette or both), unless the iGirl is ready.

What's the most-played song or artist on your iPod?
A.M. right now, but usually everything from metal to country.

Blackberry, Sidekick, or Treo?
None. Why bring old technology to the party? How many times have I
said iPhone in this interview?

What's the longest time you've ever spent playing a video game in one
sitting and what game was it?
Don't play video games. Just can't seem to get interested.

Do you use/have a Mac or PC? Why?
Mac. Is there any other kind?

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